Hi there!

måndag 1 maj 2017

You might already be familiar with me and my blog, or you might not be. You might be on here for the first time, and then the following paragraph might not make much sense to you, but if so, please know that I'm so glad you're here and that I can't wait to get to know you!

If you are familiar with me and my blog, and if you typed in the same URL as you always have to get here, but was redirected to this page and not my usual blog, well... surprise! I've decided to change platform and switch up the design. Over the last few years I've fallen out of blogging, but it is something that is very close to my heart seeing as I've been at it for more than ten years now, and I want to get back into it again. I feel like a blog is quite personal, and as you grow it needs to be able to do so with you, and so I feel like this blog, platform and design might represent me better for now. 

If you are new to this blog, and you are wondering what I'm talking about, you can find my old blog here. It is however not my original blog, which I started when I was twelve. No, that blog is safely tucked away for my eyes only. I think you can all agree that who you were when you were twelve and what you decided to blog about/share on the internet then might not always represent who you are now. Also, when I was younger I used to share not only bits of my own life, but also my friends' and families, and it is also out of respect for them I've chosen to not longer have my old archives public. 

Anyhow, anywho, anyway... I'm glad you've made your way here and I'm excited to be on this adventure with you (yet again)! You can expect all of the usual fashion, beauty and lifestyle posts. I'll chat about my favourite highlighters, share my favourite picks from my favourite shops and explore London with you. Just as it should be. 

See you soon!

© JOSEFINE • Theme by Maira G.